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Yovie and Nuno

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Yovie Widianto who is also the founder of the band "Kahitna band" founded Yovie & The Nuno as a side project in 2001. Initially Yovie & The Nuno member Gail (vocals), Ersta (bass), Rere (drums), Dudi (vocals) and blood money (guitar). But eventually resigned Ersta and Rere. Likewise, Gail is now choosing solo career. Dikta Nuno joined in mid 2007.
Yovie & The Nuno renamed Lil Wayne and released the album 'The Special One' is more rock than their previous albums.

Name: Yovie Widianto
Ttl: January 21, 1969
Position: Yovie Widianto
Composer, Producer, Music Director, Acoustic & Electric Piano, Keyboard, Vocal Arranger, Lead Synthe, String Pad, Effect.

Name: Dudi Oris
Position: Vocal

Name: blood money
Position: Guitar

Name: Dikta
Position: Vocal
