Profile d'Masiv
Name: Rian Ekky Pradipta (Rian)
Ttl: Yogyakarta, 17 November 1986
Position: Vocal
Name: Aditya Dwikky Marsall (Kiki)
Ttl: Yogyakarta, 23 November 1988
Position: guitar
Name: Nurul Damar Ramadan (Rama)
Ttl: Jakarta, 2 May 1987
Position: guitar
Name: Rayyi Kurnia Iskandar (Rai)
Ttl: Jakarta, March 3, 1988
Position: bass
Name: Iustinus Piaji Revelation (Apocalypse)
Ttl: Jakarta, 1 February 1987
Position: drums
Originally Rian, Kiki and Rama had formed the band when they were still in junior high school. Until eventually the band disbanded. Top idea Rian's father, the trio create a new band and looking for 3 people personnel to fill vacancies on Bass, Drums and kibord.
Along walk Rian met one high school Revelation, Revelation was also a friend Rian during elementary school. D'Masiv (formerly MASSIVE) then met Rai who was none other than neighbor Rian. Finally right at Rai's birthday on March 3, 2003, d'Masiv formed.
They counted has attended hundreds of events and festivals the band managed to win about 65 festivals in between. Until the year 2007 they were selected as winners A Mild Live Wanted and managed to get a record deal too great prizes from the event.
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